Friday, August 6, 2010

Overall Band Camp Experience!!and more


When I first walked in the band hall I didn't know what to expect.Then stretches came and I was like um... this is NOT for ME!Then I told myself i'm not gonna die.Then group command learning and again I was like EPIC FAIL.(lol)So then it was day two I was very sore a felt bad and had growing pains so I was NOT in a good mood but my squad leader (Kyle)told me it's okay it happens to everyone so I straightened up(thanks Kyle(; )Anyways band was an AWESOME experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When I signed up I thought I was going to be a BIG NERD!No I wasn't I kept my style and expressed it through the music I was playing and I think the band kids at my school are the smartest and the most popular:)!My band is family if someones hurt we all help each other out and when someone needs something we give them it and don't ask for anything in return:)!Think about joining band it makes a difference.!Also you get to go to AWESOME and EPIC concerts and (i can't speak for all bands but...)you get to go to amusement parks!(my band does),and when you get something done you get a warm feeling in your stomach and it feels awesome inside and when you win OMG the heart pumps fast and then we go somewhere to celebrate!Again thanks my band director for this AWESOME opportunity and teaching me all I know and thank you for the time and effort to take the time to make our lives AWESOME or as Tommy(Thomas in concert band) says GIGETY (lol)!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):)I LOVE BAND!JOIN YOUR BAND!BAND IS AWESOME!BAND CHANGED MY LIFE!BAND IS LIFE!MUSIC IS LIFE!:)Thank You Again for everything;):'( I can't wait till school starts and the first football game!and finally........

Band Camp:Day 5 (sadly)The Last Day:'(

This is what we did today:

1.Warm-up/Play songs/commands/break fruit/stretches/yoga/break/commands
3.march and play/commands/break pizza/text people/go outside/eat ice cream/pick up/break
6.command/play for the office staff/sweat(lol)/break
7.pack up/put the music stands up/command/sit listen to the band director
8.prizes/dismiss/CRY:'( ( i was trying to hold it in)/Hug all of my guy friends and everyone else;)

I am so sad that it is over my band is like family.Everyone likes each other there's no haters!Anyways more blogging for me!!!I sign up for school next Tuesday Yayy!lol(lots of love) i have gotten better at singing!!!