Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Band Camp:Day 3

Again what we did lol!

1.Warmup/Songs/break/start command
2.Marches/stretches/yoga/commands fruit/break/talk up a storm
4.break/play instruments lunch/break/play songs
6.break/group playing songs/eat Popsicles/break/Dismiss/commands

Band is awesome and my band got National Grand Music Festival Award Winner!!!!!!!!!(a plaque and a banner)
Music is my inspiration for life I love my band director he is funny,makes me wanna go for the goal and my goal is to be 2 nd chair in my band :)I <3 BAND!!!!!!!!Thank you my band director:)(i don't know if i can say his last name or not and it is unsafe for me too because we have won a lot of rewards and they tell you online and i dont want stalkers lol)anyways.......