Thursday, June 6, 2013

Quick Beauty Tip: Surviving Finals/Exams

It's about that time that most girls and boys are saying " EEK! I have finals next week! " Luckily for me, mine already passed and I did well! Just a few steps will help you do great on those exams, and I'll show you how.

Study Tips:

~ Take a pampering bath with your text book. Sit in a Lush bubble bath and relax with a green tea facial mask on while you read about how cells move throughout your body or about why Romeo and Juliet fell in love. ( Be careful not to drop it. )

~ Take 5 minute breaks after an hour of studying to massage your temples ( located at the top of your head, next to the end of your eyebrows ) or make a fruit smoothie.

~ Highlight things and make them pretty. As you highlight curtain things, your eyes will be more likely to be attracted to that sentence or word, by reading them more you'll understand or memorize them more often than not.

~ Ask your teacher. Don't give your teacher an apple and expect an A on your exam, take the time during lunch or in class to ask about what'll be on the exam or something you don't understand.

~ It's okay to stay up a little past your bedtime. I find that studying at night gives me the best results, wake up early the next morning to review again and later that day before your exam.

~ Don't be afraid to look up things online. The internet is here for a reason, if your teacher doesn't always give you the answer you're looking for, ask . If in doubt, ask a friend, they might be able to help the most!

~ Have fun while studying. You don't have to be uncomfortable or music free, turn on music without words like jazz or iMovie music, haha. Music with words usually distract me from learning what I need to.

Here's some jazz I enjoy listening to while studying:   ( 59 minutes long )
Anything by Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band

Makeup To Wear:
Remember, less is more. When you're stressed, usually you sweat which causes enlarged or open pores. So,  you don't want to pack a ton of face makeup on. Before you apply any makeup, cleanse you skin with your favorite cleanser and apply a moisturizer. I find that cleansing my skin with the "Cetaphil Antibacterial Bar" works best and my "Yes To Carrots Body Butter" is a phenomenal moisturizer. Lightly apply concealer and if needed, powder. I like using the "Almay Clear Complexion Concealer" and my "Physicians Formula Mineral Powder". For eye makeup I stick to just concealer on my eyelids and applying mascara, I use the "CoverGirl Lashblast Mascara in Black Brown".

Extra Beauty Tip:

After studying at night put two spoons in the freezer and get them out when you wake up. Place them on your eyelids ( while eyes are closed ) with the back of the spoon on your skin. This will de-puff your eyes and help the blood cells moving removing under eye circles. Mine are terrible and I find this very helpful! And don't forget, get a good night's sleep. They don't call it beauty sleep for nothing.

Have fun and don't forget to bring extra number 2 pencils! Comment down below if any of these tips helped! Happy finals!


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